Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Linked lists Vs List

string[] dataSet = new string[100];for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++){    dataSet[i] = string.Format("Sample Data {0}", i.ToString());}
This code allocates space for 100 string items and fills each one of them with a string. However, there are a few drawbacks in the regular array. What if there are more than 100 items used later on? The array needs to be extended, and if it was hardcoded to a hundred values, there could be some problems with overflowing data. Another problem is the inefficient memory usage when there are less than a hundred elements. In that case, a lot of memory is kept unused.
Linked lists tend to solve the two of the above problems. First of all, a linked list doesn’t have a single field for a value, but rather two – one with the stored data and one referencing the next value. These two fields together build a node, that is – a unit inside the linked list.

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